Thursday, February 2, 2017



For my environment I've mashed and old, run down, abandoned neighborhood and a futuristic setting in the back ground. The neighborhood is where my main character, Chirtle, lives by himself since he is an orphan and the futuristic city is where his friends, Leeve and Pogi, come from to have adventures with him.

These are the original images I used before combining them to make the scene.

This is how I combined them to create the environment.

I layered them on top of each other to get the look that I wanted for my characters to interact in. I wanted them to have entrances so I made sure to keep that in mind as i arranged them. The towering sky scrapers where kept in the back but close enough to notice the contrast in the type of buildings.

Once I was satisfied I began drawing over it to create my environment.
This was the outcome:

I made sure to keep the flying cars so viewers could tell it was a future setting and added cracks in the buildings to show the neighborhood is old.

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