Tuesday, February 7, 2017



My characters are finally going to begin interacting in the environment I created for them!
Since they are children, I wanted to do something childish and funny like a scene from a kid's cartoon. Chirtle is a poor, orphan boy who had no choice but to stay in neighborhood while the rest of the world expanded and evolved into the future. He has a robot friend named Leeve, who honestly feels she was created in the wrong era. She wears a bunny eared hat that she found in a "vintage" shop and loves being mischievous. Pogi is his only other friend from the city who still wanders back to the ancient parts of the town, he has a silver spoon in his mouth but is as dumb as a rock.

1. The scene starts with the normally empty, calm environment since it is an abandoned neighborhood. 

2. Then comes out the only inhabitant, Chirtle, looking for some new adventure to start off the day.

3. Then Leeve, the mischievous robot with a pink bunny ear hat, flies in to see who's day she can ruin for her entertainment.

4. Pogi comes in from the city to show off his super cool, red balloon to his friends. 

5. Levee finds her victim when she sees the balloon in Pogi's hand and swoops down, sneakily behind him.
6. POP! She pops his balloons and laughs with her robotic, digitized laughter.
7. She realizes she has to make a run for it before Pogi sees her. He's not the brightest crayon in the box but he can pack punch! 

8. Chirtle sees the whole thing go down and laughs but doesn't realize when Pogi turns around and sees only him. 

9. Pogi didn't even get a chance to show off his beloved balloon! He charges at Chirtle with his balloon-less hand and hits him as hard as he can.

10. Chirtle doesn't even get a chance to go inside his shell and Pogi's punch sends him rolling back to where he came from.

Here is the final GIF animation I created in Photoshop. Enjoy!

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