Thursday, April 27, 2017

Animatic Storyboard Script

Animatic Storyboard Script

My main character is Steve, a friendly ant, who's friends with everyone in his high school, Bug High. The antagonist is a bully beetle named Brad, who bullies everyone into liking him. His doesn't like Steve because everybody likes him, so he spends most of his time finding ways to bug him. My foil character is the shy and pretty Lola. She doesn't really talk much, only to her friends. She has a crush on Steve but is too shy to tell him.

All students meet up at after school to talk and chatter about their grades and plans for the weekend.
Steve is just chilling when he sees Brad messing with Lola. Steve also has a crush on Lola so that is unacceptable.
 He goes up to him and says, "Mess with someone with your own strength!"

Brad laughs a nasty loud laugh while he holds Lola up by her fragile wrist. "Go lift some weights tiny twerp."
 Steve gets angry and picks up Brad and throws him across the school yard.
Everybody cheers for Steve the hero.
Steve and Lola walk home together. 

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