Monday, April 17, 2017

Character and Environment

Animatic Storyboard

This week we created the characters for our storyboard and the environment they will be interacting in. I used Photoshop to create my drawings. The environment will be a back yard with buildings and items made out of human trash/items and nature fit for insects to use in their everyday life. The milk carton will be the high school were more interaction will take place.

This is Steve, my protagonist who will be the coolest, nicest (but smallest) guy in high school. 

This is Lola the Butterfly. She's sweet and shy and she's afraid to say no. Almost all the guys in High School have a crush on her but she doesn't even know.

This is Brad. He is your typical high school jock that bully's everyone into liking him. He also had a crush on Lola but has also scared her into being his girlfriend. The only one who isn't afraid of standing up to him is Steve the Ant.

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